So what do CICP, PREP, VICP and Covid-19 have in common? To answer that I will first decode the acronym and abbreviations.

  • Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
  • Public Readiness and Emergency Preparednes
  • Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Have you been curious of the consequences if this grand experiment with mRNA technology goes sideways? What happens if that synthesized gene doesn’t behave as expected? These are the bureaucratic channels you and your team of lawyers would have to navigate for any recourse. But guess what. Neither Pfizer nor Moderna or for that matter the FDA or any federal, state or local government or private business are liable for any ill effects one may get from receiving the vaccine.

Do you even buy a toaster without a warranty? But the government is asking the people to trust them and big pharma to get the vaccine.

Read it here folks.

Thanks China

[ To Mask or Not To Mask ]

Have you noticed there is never a reference to published data regarding the effectiveness of masks on controlling the spread of the Wuhan flu (thank you China). Stop and think about this. In all the messages you have heard or read from the “experts” in regards to wearing a mask has there been any data presented backing up the request to mask up? I mean data not just a quote from some expert. You’re expected to accept their word as fact. They expect you to trust them. Well, after decades of the politicians, both the reds and the blues, saying one thing but doing something else who is going to trust them. No one and the data shows it.

Doing a search I came across this article from the University of California San Francisco. It doesn’t provide any hard data. There’s alot of ” I think . . . ” quotes and references but that’s it. But there was a link pointing to this paper. Finally, a credible document that I hoped would provide answers. Yes, I have read it – more than once. I strongly, suggest you educate yourself and read it while sitting home alone this Thanksgiving. Quoting from section 4 Mask Efficacy Studies sums up the situation as it was when the paper was published in April and most likely still today.

“Although no randomized controlled trials (RCT) on the use
of masks as source control for SARS-CoV-2 has been published, a number of studies have attempted to indirectly estimate the efficacy of masks

This current report published from Bond University in Australia is another interesting slant on the mask debate.

My personal opinion is that if government officials succumb to forcing citizens by enacting laws, like Boise’s newly elected progressive mayor, threatening the arrest of citizens for not wearing a mask they have failed at their duty of educating the citizenry. This near impossible task is a making of their own. It brings us back to the self-induced lack of trust in our elected officials. I ask you – if someone you do not trust asks you to do something how likely are you to heed that request?

This lack of trust is on display again as the vaccine’s get closer to being released. I’ve come across polls where a high majority of respondents will not be getting the shot or shots. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines that are all the buzz currently are built upon new and untested technology. So again a challenge lies ahead in convincing the populace these vaccines will be safe even though no long term trials will be done. I’m curious if the manufacturers will be shielded from future lawsuits in the case there are lurking issues. Will the government have to resort to forcing the vaccines on the citizenry. Time will tell.

[ Hello Joe, Bye Bye Covid ]

Now that it appears to be official I am entrusting Joe B. will keep his campaign pledge of clearing this Covid scourge, complements of China, from our nation immediately. I won’t be surprised if the first bullet point in his plan is to mandate masks. Of course in the typical Democrats and government knows best attitude said masks will be required to meet new upcoming guidelines. To validate their integrity each mask will be clearly marked with a stamp of approval on the outside for all to see. These masks will be arriving soon from son Hunter’s Chinese business ventures thus contributing to the Biden family coffers. </s>

[ Odds ]

Odds of getting struck by lightning – 1 in 500,000

Odds of winning the Powerball – 1 in 292.2 million

Odds of drowning in the bathtub – 1 in 685,000

You can find the chances of experiencing all kinds of events, health issues and what not. One exception popping into my head is when reading the fact sheet included with every prescription medication. You will find no hard number stating the chances of contracting any of the listed side affects. Hmmmmm.

So why are the number gurus unable to calculate these odds?

Most of the news about the Neu's in Boise.