So what do CICP, PREP, VICP and Covid-19 have in common? To answer that I will first decode the acronym and abbreviations.

  • Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
  • Public Readiness and Emergency Preparednes
  • Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Have you been curious of the consequences if this grand experiment with mRNA technology goes sideways? What happens if that synthesized gene doesn’t behave as expected? These are the bureaucratic channels you and your team of lawyers would have to navigate for any recourse. But guess what. Neither Pfizer nor Moderna or for that matter the FDA or any federal, state or local government or private business are liable for any ill effects one may get from receiving the vaccine.

Do you even buy a toaster without a warranty? But the government is asking the people to trust them and big pharma to get the vaccine.

Read it here folks.

Thanks China