All posts by gneu

“It” Arrived

“It” showed up in today’s mail.  That dreaded envelope that comes around each fall.   What is “It” you ask?  Property assessment notice?  Nope.  Car registration renewal?  Negative.  IRS tax forms?  No.  “It” is worse than any of those and far more anxiety inducing.  “It” is the relatively recent phenomenon and new ritual.  Yes, “It” is my Open Enrollment packet.  Now I get to see how much more coverage, deductibles and co-pays are going to be for 2018.  Ironically, it arrives on the same day that President Trump announced, rightfully so, he has decided to rescind the illegal subsidy payments to insurers.

The packet will remain setting on the desk for a couple days.  Takes me a bit to work up the courage to open and see the increase.
