All posts by Greg

My Economic Barometer

Let the experts monitor such things as the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), the PMI (Purchasing Manager’s Index), the CPI (Consumer Purchasing Index) and the many other assorted statistical data sets.

As for me, my go to barometer of the US economy is the cost of a hot dog and soda at Costco. In that regard I am happy to report Richard Galanti, Costco CFO, recently announced the price remains at $1.50!

If Costco ever has to adjust that cost upwards you know the economy is in dire straights and it will be time to hunker down, tighten the hatches and scale back on major expenditures.

For now – life is good.

Caught My Eye – 2022 Week 33

A Billion Here a Billion There

No doubt you have heard the saying that no matter what the government touches ends in a mess. Well, the fed’s got into the student loan business some years ago. At the time the powers to be projected $6 would be made for every $100 loaned. Recent GAO report shows the taxpayer funded loan business has actually lost $9 for every $100 loaned out. Ooooops! Measly $300+ billion miscalculation. [Details]

Fickle Fate of Science

For decades science has been telling us a “Big Bang” created the cosmos. Maybe not! Images being returned from the latest space gadget (James Webb Space telescope aka JWST) are casting serious doubt on that theory. Many brainiacs who make figuring this out their livelihood are experiencing great angst.

Todays “science” can be tomorrows fake news. Or, is that the other way around? [Details]